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Our Name Says It All

To reflect the expanding scope of our eye care services,

Sepich Eye Care, P.C. is now RESTORE EYE CARE, P.C.

restorative: having the ability to make a person feel strong or healthy again

Why did we change our name? Firstly, Dr. Zlupko became a new partner in our practice, and we wanted a name that would include both partner optometrists, as well as our entire staff. Secondly, we wanted a name that reflected the healing nature of our practice.

In addition to detailed eye exams, contact lenses, and precise optical products, we at Restore Eye Care provide medical eye care services for patients with eye disease, such as Glaucoma and Diabetes, and vision rehabilitative services to the visually impaired, children with learning related vision problems and post-concussion or non-traumatic brain injury patients. If you have poor vision, we may be able to help restore it with glasses or contact lenses, medications, vision therapy (exercises much like occupational or physical therapy), or specialized adaptive equipment to allow you to function at a high level, and maintain your desired activities and independence.

Dr. Tracy Sepich and Dr. Christine Zlupko, and staff, work together to provide optical, medical, and rehabilitation services to patients of all ages.

Date: August 31st, 2016

Author: Dr. Tracy Carpenter Sepich, Doctor of Optometry, President of Restore Eye Care, P.C.

Allow the professionals at Restore Eye Care to renew your vision and restore your life.

100 Oakwood Avenue, Suite 300, State College, PA, 16803, (814) 272-0262