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Restore Eye Care & Eye Gym is proud to be one of the only providers of Neurolens, a specialty contoured prism lens, in Central Pennsylvania.

Neurolens infographic with woman holding her temples in discomfort

With the abundance of time we spend every day staring at computer screens and other devices, our eye muscles are over-worked to extreme levels. This excess strain over-stimulates your most complex cranial nerve, the trigeminal nerve, and causes symptoms such as headaches, neck and shoulder pain, dry eye, dizziness, and motion sickness. Neurolens, with its unique contoured prism lenses, allow your eyes to remain in their natural state of alignment throughout the day therefore reducing the over-stimulation of the trigeminal nerve and all the symptoms associated with eye misalignment.

93% of patients experience significant symptom relief from wearing Neurolenses. Their lenses can significantly decrease your dependence on over-the-counter pain killers, chiropractor appointments, eye drops, and other expenses you would normally turn to for symptom relief.

Call our office or request an appointment on our homepage today to take the Neurolens test and find out how they can help reduce your symptoms. Relief is in sight with Neurolens!